Monday, May 23, 2016

COMIDA: And another one bites the dust.

Eugene Caccamise is the fourth member of COMIDA's board to resign in less than a week.
That leaves three of the seven member board remaining.
For how long, who knows?
COMIDA has been rotten for a very long time. COMIDA's board has been able to laugh off suggestions of underhanded dealings in the past with no real threats to the members' questionable reputations.
Unfortunately, County Executive Cheryl DiNolfo and Monroe County GOP Chairman Bill Reilich haven't been able to sweep this under the rug to anyone's satisfaction.
Except their own.
Which is why four of the seven person board have left.
Had the spin control doctors been able to successfully lie their way through this mess, those four board members would have breathed a collective sigh of relief and stayed put.
They would have said "See, nothing is wrong."
That's not happening, and they're afraid that continuing their association with COMIDA will make them look bad to other influence peddlers or people coming to them to play "Let's Make a Deal."
The I-Square flap has gotten out of control and they don't want to go down with the ship.
Hence their resignations.

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