It seems that at least one of Rochester's city councilmen has been reading my blog.
Carolee Conklin, who heads up the Finance Committee, has questions about why Mayor Warren needs to hire TransPro, an outside and out-of-state consulting firm.
Why the mayor's staff can't track their own programs.
And why the mayor needs to pay them nearly $80,000.
And why the mayor didn't choose the lowest bidder.
Two weeks ago, Chief of Staff Jeremy Cooney made vague, insufficient and inadequate statements about hiring TransPro.
In a mad state of hubris, neither the mayor nor he expected anyone to ask for further clarification.
They expected City Council to approve it without question.
That has been the usual procedure for City Council, so it was a reasonable expectation.
Only Conklin is asking for an explanation.
Before anyone elevates Conklin to heroine status over this issue, I must remind them that, on rare occasions, City Council does ask for clarification before granting the mayor's request.
This is to fool the public, to make them think that City Council is being diligent.
The request will be approved.
It's all part of the game of politics.
Carolee Conklin is an old hand at it.
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