Friday, March 20, 2015

Sheppard beats Rowe.

It was the battle of the Democratic Committee factions.
Ex police chief Jim Sheppard won the Democratic endorsement to run for LD 23 on Wednesday night.
He beat out Mitch Rowe by 56 to 13.
That is a considerable margin.
The candidates themselves are not particularly important in this instance.
The factions within the Democratic Committee each candidate represents are.
Sheppard is willing to Uncle Tom it for the white elitist Morelle-Clifford clique.
They won this early political round.
Rowe is the token white candidate offered up by the black oriented Gantt-Warren faction.
Rowe denied that he was their stooge, claiming that running in this campaign was his decision alone.
That might be true, but it is doubtful.
Rowe is employed by Mayor Warren's administration. If she had told him not to run, I doubt that he would have done so. He would at least need to have her tacit support. Or permission.
Rowe did have the support of his mother, City Councilwoman Carolee Conklin, who endorsed his race.
Conklin is not a member of either faction, and can be expected to do whatever is best for herself, or her children.
What mother wouldn't, regardless of how old her boy is?
Conklin promptly lambasted Sheppard at the endorsement meeting, reciting her son's perfections.
It did no good. A mother can protect a grown child only so long before it looks pathetic.
More telling is that Conklin's endorsement of her son was seconded by City Council president Loretta Scott, who is firmly entrenched in the Gantt-Warren camp.
That did no good, either.
Clearly, the delegates were not impressed with Mitch Rowe.
He lost. Badly.
Rowe hasn't decided to challenge Sheppard in a primary election.
That will take more time, effort and money than he might be willing to spend on an election that isn't going to be a sure thing.


As I stated previously, LD 23 is one of the richest and whitest LDs in the City of Rochester. The Democratic Committee there willingly chose Sheppard, a black man, because the white elitist Morelle-Clifford clique will be pulling his strings.
They didn't choose the white Rowe because they felt he would be manipulated by the Gantt-Warren faction, whose greatest strength is in the ghetto.
Rowe's defeat is their first major political defeat since the mayor took office.
The mayor has yet to offer up a candidate to oppose Molly Clifford's run for City Council in the northwest district.
Perhaps the mayor isn't strong enough to tackle Clifford.

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