Tuesday, September 29, 2015

There are two Demagogic parties in Rochester.

Demagogic candidate for Monroe County Executive Sandra Frankel lunched with Rochester mayor Lovely Warren yesterday.
Ms. Frankel was seeking Mayor Warren's public support for her lackluster campaign against Republican Cheryl DiNolfo.
If Ms. Frankel was counting on Demagogic loyalty to get Mayor Warren's endorsement, she was sadly mistaken. Mayor Warren was reported as saying that she didn't want to put Rochester into the middle of this race. She also said that could work well with either DiNolfo or Frankel as County Executive.
This was bullshit.
I have already written why the mayor has ignored Frankel's campaign. As it now stands, Mayor Warren is the top ranking Demagogue in Monroe County. Any Demagogic County Executive would outrank her. That is something Mayor Warren's over inflated ego could not endure.
As for counting on Demagogic loyalty, Ms. Frankel seems blissfully unaware of the fact that there are two Demagogic Parties in Rochester. Mayor Warren belongs to one, and Ms. Frankel to the other.
Even the current chairperson of the MCDC, Jamie Romeo, refuses to concede this fact. Romeo is living in a fool's paradise wearing rose colored glasses. She is clearly incapable of bridging the chasm that exists between the two parties. Nobody with even half a brain could or even would dare to try. She prefers to believe that there is still only one Demagogic party over which she has authority.
The Black Demagogues are headed by none other than David Gantt and the mayor herself. Their focus is the ghetto, where their word is law. It does not extend beyond it, though they have tried to expand their authority into other districts of the city and failed. Conversely, they do not respect the authority of the MCDC over them. Why should they? They have succeeded without it.
The Establishment Demagogues, led by Joe Morelle and the notorious Molly Clifford, have a distinctly white elitist membership. They see themselves as the natural leaders of the party within the City of Rochester, never mind the fact that they will burn the rule book when it suits their purposes, especially in regards to the Gantt-Warren faction. The MCDC is slightly more useful to them, and then only at the county level, since the battle lines have been drawn along racial lines in the city.
The Demagogic primary election in 2013 finalized the divorce between the two parties. Ms. Warren won the primary. Clifford continued to run Tom Richards on the Independent line. Morelle, then chairman of the MCDC, refused to help finance Ms. Warren's campaign as he should have done.
Ms. Warren won, and has been fundraising separately from the Establishment Demagogues ever since, much to their displeasure. Mayor Warren owes them nothing.
Paybacks are a bitch.
The Establishment Demagogues owe Mayor Warren nothing, either. This will be made patently clear in 2017 when she runs for reelection.
This is the background into which Ms. Frankel thrust herself, begging for Mayor Warren's support. She didn't get it because she is too white, too suburban, too naïve and not apologetic enough to suit Mayor Warren. And because she wasn't a charter member of the David Gantt fan club.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Boose loses. Again.

New York State Supreme Court Justice John Van Ark rang the curtain down on LaShana Boose's campaign farce today.
According to Rochester's liberal newsrag, the D&C, Van Ark dismissed Boose's bid to challenge the outcome of the primary election on September 10.
Boose's handlers claimed that she "never received a required notice about a routine audit of 3 percent of the voting machines used in the election, and she argued that there were discrepancies in the vote totals announced by the Board of Elections."
Of course, this was bullshit.
I mentioned the so-called discrepancies in a previous blog. Boose and her handlers are even stupider than I thought possible to make that statement.
As for not receiving the "required notice," the D&C states "Ark focused largely on whether the Board of Elections sent the proper notice to Boose. Rob Yauman, an attorney for the Monroe County law department, said the board showed that in August, it mailed the notice required by state law to the address that Boose used to register to vote and in her nominating petitions to get on the ballot."
If Boose didn't receive that notice, it suggests that she doesn't live at that address. Which does a lot to explain why nobody ever heard of her before in Maplewood.
Where does she live, really?
Boose's campaign was a fraud from start to finish.
Van Ark threw out the Gantt-Warren faction's challenge. Who knows what their next desperate move will be? The New York State Court of Appeals?
Election Commissioner Tom Ferrarese called the Gantt-Warren faction's petition "political grandstanding." In plain English, the behavior of spoiled brats not getting their way.
Boose left without speaking to the reporter.  She was true to form. Nobody ever heard her speak to anyone before. Perhaps she is incapable of cognitive speech. Which also does a lot to explain why the Gantt-Warren faction kept her out of the public eye during her, or rather their campaign.
They didn't rehearse her well enough to speak in public on the subject of her case being dismissed. They would have done better with a parakeet.
The Gantt-Warren faction only wanted to get a mindless fool elected to this particular city council seat to forestall the notorious Molly Clifford from challenging the mayor in 2017.
They got the kind of candidate they wanted and failed.
They didn't get their puppet elected. They chose to humiliate themselves and her further in this manner. They chose to piss off other Demagogues. They were entertainment for people not committed to either faction of the Demagogic Party and the Republicans.
Clifford won, leaving the road clear for she and her faction to challenge the mayor in 2017.
Between the two evils, the mindless LaShana Boose and the notorious Molly Clifford, most Demagogues chose not to vote at all.
That should be a warning to both Clifford and Warren in 2017.
But this primary and its aftermath were fun, weren't they?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

LaShana Boose must be a masochist.

I thought I had heard the last of LaShana Boose.
You know, the Gantt-Warren faction's invisible candidate who was narrowly defeated by the notorious Molly Clifford for the northwest district city council seat. By 42 votes.
When the absentee ballots were counted, Clifford's margin of victory grew to 66 votes. Not particularly outstanding, but sufficient unto the day.
That should have been that. The Gantt-Warren faction should have learned from their mistakes and put this one behind them.
But no. They are incapable of learning anything.
Boose's incompetent handlers decided that there should be a public examination of all the votes for the northwest city council seat. In her name, they are petitioning the State Supreme Court for an expanded audit of the voting machines that were used.
Boose was certainly not intelligent enough to do it herself, or able to tell her handlers to leave her in peace.
According to Rochester's City Newspaper, the petition reads: "the discrepancy between the 42-vote lead on September 10, 2015, and the 66-vote lead on September 14, 2015, justifies an expanded audit."
Which, like everything else involving Boose, is bullshit. All it's doing is make the lot of them look like sore losers and pests. The only way to stick it to sore losers is to ignore them.  The only way to get rid of pests is to swat them.
That will come when Mayor Warren runs for re-election against Clifford in 2017. That will be an endless source of mirth for Rochesterians, since both factions will throw away the rule book.
Neither side ever abided by it, anyway.
For now, this petition will probably get thrown out of court, providing yet another opportunity for Boose and her handlers to humiliate themselves. They enjoy feeling oppressed, and who can deny them their perverted pleasures?
When I heard about their petition, I laughed so hard I almost pissed myself.
Probably, so did Clifford.
She has nothing to fear from the Gantt-Warren faction ever again.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Why did it take so long to shutter 36 Woodward Street?

Rochester mayor Lovely Warren finally shuttered the notorious nuisance house at 36 Woodward Street.
It is not a case of better late than never.
It took yet another shooting at that address last weekend, at yet another late night party that left two people dead and four wounded that led to the mayor's action.
Two women were shot in March of this year at yet another party at that house.
It doesn't include the two other times the police had to respond to that address because of reports of gunfire. Or the number of times neighbors called to complain about that property.
What was so different now? What goaded the mayor into taking decisive action regarding 36 Woodward Street?
It might have to do with the fact that one of her political cronies has personal ties to this latest Rochester tragedy.
County legislator Ernest Flagler-Mitchell had kin involved in the shooting. One relative was killed; another is the accused shooter.
The ugly fact is that 36 Woodward Street had acquired twice the number of nuisance points needed to close it up a long time ago. That address had all the ingredients necessary for a disaster to occur. And it did.
City Hall is now producing wholly unsatisfactory explanations as to why it takes so long to do anything about nuisance properties.
City spokesperson and former Demogogue and Comicon news hen Jessica Alaimo kept referring to the process of dealing with nuisance properties and slumlords, and why it takes so long.
That is bullshit.
The property had twice the number of nuisance points needed to shut it down. It could have been shut down months ago..
The fact that the mayor boarded the property up immediately after the shootings this weekend puts pat to Ms. Alaimo's claims. But then, Ms. Alaimo is only repeating what she had been told to say. You shouldn't kill the messenger.
Mayor Warren is a busy woman. You can't blame her too much for not really knowing what's going on. She has entrusted the day to day operations of city government to her highly paid commissioners and department heads, who clearly goofed this time.
We can also excuse Deputy Mayor Redon from any responsibility in this mess. He really hasn't been seen out much in over a year, doing who knows what.
At fault are the Department of Neighborhood and Business Development and the Neighborhood Services Centers. It is their job to know about shithouses like 36 Woodward Street and act on neighborhood complaints about them.
There are probably dozens if not hundreds of such shithouses in Rochester that the people in charge of cleaning them up or closing them down are ignoring. They hope the problem will go away or neighbors will become accustomed to them and stop complaining. They fear rocking the boat at City Hall by telling the mayor the truth, being branded ineffective and losing their high incomes and pensions.
It is appropriate to note that a leader starts by not knowing the truth and in the end doesn't want to know it. The job of the mayor's executive staff is to keep her isolated and insulated from the truth, especially if the truth might anger her.
Then something like this happens. Their cozy little world is blown wide open with nobody knowing anything or being responsible for anything,  with corpses piling up like cordwood and hospital emergency rooms filling up.  Everyone at City Hall is probably pointing the finger at someone else. As in any other bureaucracy, a few smaller fry will be sacrificed, not the people who were ultimately responsible.
We know that the mayor summarily shuttered 36 Woodward Street. Will she do the same for all the other notorious shithouses in Rochester, process be damned?
And why does it always take a crisis to get the mayor to act decisively when her appointed staff have been dragging their sorry asses for years?

Saturday, September 12, 2015

The reason for the piss poor turnout in Rochester's primary.

Rochester's turnout for Thursday's Demagogic primary sucked. It was the worst in years.
The reason is simple enough: the majority of registered Demagogues have no reason to care which faction's candidates get the party's nod. None of the victors are going to change anything, despite their campaign propaganda.
The Morelle-Clifford clique is hampered by feigned political correctness. The Gantt-Warren faction is hidebound by black racism.
Neither side was concerned with running suitable candidates for election, merely those who have kissed enough asses and paid their dues where the leaders of the two factions are concerned.
In the end, the campaigns became popularity contests between candidates who aren't connected to anything in the community. Their goal was to embarrass the other side's leaders and to promote their own, not to be of service to the community at large.
The choices were between the undesirable and the unpalatable.
That's why people stayed away from the polls.
They couldn't swallow all of this meaningless bullshit.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Just for shits and giggles, the Republican primary in LD 6.

Incumbent Fred Ancello easily won his primary race against challenger Edward A. Gartz.
Ancello will now go on to the November election, opposed by Demagogue Dick Beebe.
Ancello beat out Beebe for the same office in 2011.
Beebe went on to lose the race for Greece Town Supervisor in 2013.
Beebe is now poised to lose his third political race in four years if Ancello beats him again in November.

Sheppard and Clifford are now poised to challenge Mayor Warren in 2017.

It was a bad night  for the Gantt-Warren faction in the Demagogic primary election.
Primary elections usually have piss poor turnouts. A few hundred, maybe as little as a few dozen votes can determine which candidate is victorious.
Such was the case tonight.
True, they kept what they had in their core constituencies ( in the ghetto ), but were unable to extend their malevolence beyond it.
The defeat of their clients in LDs 21 and 28 were unimportant. It merely bruised their tender little egos. Perhaps it even taught them their limitations, if they are capable of learning anything.
It was a different matter in LD 23 and the northwest city council race. Their clients were defeated by long time enemies who are now poised to challenge the mayor herself in 2017.
Ex police chief James Sheppard handily defeated Mayor Warren's employee, Mitchell Rowe, in LD 23. The Gantt-Warren faction couldn't play the race card ( their usual weapon ) because Sheppard is black, their client was white and LD 23 is one of the richest and whitest districts in the City of Rochester.
That card works only in the ghetto.
It must be recalled that Sheppard was unceremoniously and publicly rejected by Mayor Warren when she won election in 2013. He owes her no favors.
In fact, he might very easily take a page out of the book of another inept Rochester police chief, Bob Doofus.
Doofus managed to rise to his level of incompetence, first briefly as mayor of Rochester and then even more briefly as lieutenant governor of New York State.
Sheppard is well placed to run against Mayor Warren when the time comes in two years.
Even more damning was the Gantt-Warren faction's defeat in the race for the northwest district's city council seat.
The notorious Molly Clifford defeated the invisible, unknown and unheard of Lashana Boose. Playing the race card backfired in their faces in a district where blacks are not in the majority, and the white queen swept the black queen off of the board by less than four dozen votes.
This particular defeat should be extremely galling to Lovely Warren and David Gant because they personally controlled it from Day One and bungled it from start to finish.
Clifford's notoriety gave her name recognition. Nobody ever heard of Boose before, or ever will again.
Clifford began her campaign in January 2014, when she established residence in Charlotte to qualify for this year's campaign. Gantt and Warren got Boose from who knows where and sprang her on us only in June 2015.
Clifford's years as a kept woman in the Doofus and Richards administration gave her a thin veneer of knowledge on a citywide basis, at least enough to bullshit her way through political conversations,even though she mangled everything she touched there. Boose is NOT connected to the community; she is NOT connected to her neighborhood; she is NOT connected to anything in the northwest.
Clifford was seen everywhere. Boose was seen nowhere.
Clifford’s political propaganda, consisting of lies and gross exaggerations, was frequently forthcoming including a website and contact information. Boose’s one pathetic political handout had nothing on it. Nothing.
Clifford's campaign was staffed by enthusiastic, hard working though dangerously misguided volunteers. Boose's was staffed by Mayor Warren's paid employees and Assemblyman Gantt's political operatives.
Didn't Warren and Gantt realize that fact would be noticed?
In the long run, it didn't matter. Boose was never credible as a candidate for anything, let alone city council. She was even too stupid to realize or care that her campaign was being mishandled. All she had were the Gantt-Warren faction's assurance that they would galvanize the black community to support her. That wasn't enough.
 Boose should now retreat into her well-deserved political obscurity or oblivion
Clifford won the primary by a few dozen votes, which means she will be the next city council thing from the northwest district, for better or worse.
She can now realize her goal of running for mayor in 2017. That's been in her badly coiffed head since 2013.
Of course, her narrow margin of victory means that Clifford isn't all that well loved in the northwest. Absentee ballots might not be in her favor, and a recount might still further erode her margin, if not eliminate it entirely.
In that event, Clifford will still be on the ballot in November on the Independence and Working Family lines. That is her insurance, despite her fine Demagogic heritage.
Boose's handlers didn't think of that, either.
There is a rumor that Mayor Warren won't be around in 2017, though. It's being whispered that she has federal aspirations, and is looking to challenge Demagogic sacred cow Lulubelle Slaughter for her seat in Congress in 2016.
That's one race Warren won't win. The county is not the ghetto, and she doesn't cut much ice outside of it.
It showed tonight.
A defeat on that level would only serve to galvanize either Sheppard or Clifford ( or both ) to unseat her in 2017.
Their campaigns for the mayor's office start now.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

The reason Lovely Warren won't support Sandra Frankel's bid for County Executive.

We were hanging out with our biker buddies this afternoon at the Woodshed.
The topic of conversation turned to political matters, like the race for County Executive.
Mayor Warren hasn't come out in support of fellow Demagogue Sandra Frankel's campaign against Republican Cheryl DiNolfo.
In fact, Mayor Warren and her faction have studiously ignored this campaign.
That's curious, right?
We came to the conclusion that since Lovely Warren, as Mayor of Rochester, is currently the highest ranking elected Demagogue in the area, Sandra Frankel as County Executive would outrank her in the party.
Warren's ego wouldn't stand for that.
Hence her lack of support for Frankel.
Warren would rather have a Republican elected County Executive so she could continue to lord it over the MCDC.
Paradoxically, Warren's Demagogic allies in the Monroe County Legislature are always damning Republicans, especially the Republican County Executive, for not supporting their proposed social engineering legislation.
Seems like Lovely is all about promoting Lovely. Other Demagogues, unless they are black, can be damned.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Does LaShana Boose exist?

Last night, the Maplewood Neighborhood Association hosted a candidates' forum for the wannabees running for the northeast district's city council seat.
It would be the final chance for voters to grill the candidates before the primary election.
The cafeteria at Aquinas High School was packed with spectators.
Four of the five candidates appeared.
The only no show was LaShana Boose, the Gantt-Warren faction's foil against the notorious Molly Clifford in the Demagogic primary.
Bill Collins, president of the MNA, informed the audience that Boose declined to attend.
That should have been no surprise. Nobody has seen her or heard her since her candidacy had been announced in June.
Come to think of it, nobody ever saw her or heard of her before, either. Even in Maplewood, where she is supposed to reside.
Perhaps Boose was too frightened to appear. Perhaps she and her handlers know that she is incapable of answering the hard questions voters would put to her; that she would be revealed to be nothing more than a puppet of the Gantt-Warren faction, with no connection to anything in the northwest; that she is a simpering idiot.
Her absence last night was a serious blunder. Most voters won't support a candidate that they have never seen or heard before.
But Boose's handlers think they have a sound strategy. They expect the black voters to support her only because she is black. That she is an idiot will not be taken into account then.
But does LaShana Boose even exist? Is she merely a figment of the Gantt-Warren faction's imagination? Are they playing a joke on the voters of the northwest district? Do they think playing the race card will work in an area where blacks are not in the majority?
Who knows?
What is clear is that Lovely Warren's ego is getting the better of her and David Gantt is certainly in his dotage.
This primary, just a week away, should be lots of laughs.