Remember big ol' Bill Johnson, Rochester's first black mayor?
He's back.
Mayor Lovely Warren has decided to hire his consulting firm to study the city's policy for dealing with nuisance properties.
Rochester's liberal newsrag, the D&C, states that Johnson is familiar with the system, as his administration set it up.
Like everything else about the Johnson administration, that, too, has failed. It could not have been otherwise.
Every project that bore his stamp was a dismal failure. His twelve years in office marked the triumph of political correctness and the downward spiral of Rochester's fortunes into the shithole it has become.
While those failures cost the city dearly, Johnson profited quite nicely during his time as mayor. He became a millionaire.
Politics does have its rewards.
He attempted to regain the mayor's office during the 2011 special election, as if he hadn't milked the city enough between 1994 and 2005.
Oddly enough, then city council president Warren was opposed to his candidacy. She had her sights set on that office in the 2013 election, and didn't want Johnson spoiling her game.
They must have smoked a peace pipe, or something, since then. Johnson was on her transition team when she won the 2013 election. Now she wishes to enrich him further.
Hiring Johnson would require the consent of Rochester's city council.
The D&C states that Carolee Conklin, the only man on the council, is troubled by the propriety of the appointment.
The mayor and the ex mayor, of course, are pooh-poohing Conklin's concerns.
Propriety never bothered either Johnson or Warren before. It's too late to imagine that it will now.
The real question is why hire someone to study the failure of a system that was instituted by that same person in the first place?
But it's really very kind of Mayor Warren to allow ex mayor Johnson another crack at gorging at the public trough. It won't cost her a penny.
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