Sunday, April 26, 2015

A city fit for pigs.

Next week is "Clean Sweep."
This event is not an ages old tradition in the City of Rochester. It began as a publicity stunt in 2006, the brainchild of Bob Doofus' palace guard to test his popularity. To see if thousands of people would come out to clean the streets at his request.
Nobody can deny that it worked.
Sort of.
A few thousand participants got a t-shirt and a hot dog for lunch.
The number of participants fell after a few years.
Doofus' successors continued Clean Sweep, although the current mayor cut it down to one day for the entire city.
The majority of Rochesterians never joined in at all. They knew a farce when they saw one. Residents pay taxes for environmental services. Clean Sweep cost the taxpayers extra. DES people were paid overtime to collect the litter picked up by volunteers that day. Within days of every Clean Sweep, the streets returned to their original trashy, litter-strewn conditions.
That's because Rochester is filled with pigs. The human variety.
Pigs who throw their fast food bags and styrofoam containers out their car windows when driving along.
Teenage pigs who are savvy enough to use smart phones but are too stupid to use trash cans when roaming through our streets after patronizing mom and pop stores to buy junk food.
Pigs who walk their dogs and let them shit everywhere, including their neighbors' lawns, without picking it up.
The poorest parts of town are also strewn with the most trash. Make whatever correlations you wish.
I know enough people who complain about trash being blown onto their front lawns. I also know that plenty of them are too fucking lazy to bend over and pick it up. That's especially true where there are rental units. It's the landlord's job to pick up trash that was blown onto their lawns that was originally dropped by pigs sauntering along the street, not the tenants who live there.
The tenants would rather complain and wallow in that filth rather than pick it up.
The landlords claim that they are forced to rent to pigs who ruin their properties and bring the property values down in certain neighborhoods.
It is the people who pick up litter when they walk their dogs, knowing it to be a losing battle, that get my sympathy. Not the pigs who are excused from behaving responsibly for socio-economic reasons.
Since the City is going back to neighborhood policing, which is an imprecise term, perhaps our law enforcement officers can start ticketing litterbugs. The courts can charge hefty fines for littering.
Or we can use the inmates in the county lock up to clean our streets, at no additional cost to the taxpayer. We already provide them with room and board. It's the perfect job for those white-collar, weekend only inmates.
This doesn't stop the problem of littering. It starts in the home.
How do you change the behavior pattern of pigs who were raised by pigs?
Perhaps the mayor's Operation Transformation will answer that question.

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